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ISBN : 0141189967
112 páginas
Editorial: PENGUIN CLÁSICOS (25/03/2010)

Calificación promedio : 3.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
America's greatest playwright weaves "a vivid, crackling, idiomatic psychosexual horror tale." —Frank Rich, The New York TimesIn A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller explores the intersection between one man's self-delusion and the brutal trajectory of fate. Eddie Carbone is a Brooklyn longshoreman, a hard-working man whose life has been soothingly predictable. He hasn't counted on the arrival of two of his wife's relatives, illegal immigrants from Italy; nor has he... >Voir plus
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libroscontelibrosconte06 December 2018
Just remember, kid, you can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word that you gave away.
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Cuánto sabes sobre la literatura clásica

Es un poema épico griego compuesto por 24 cantos, atribuido al poeta griego Homero. Narra la vuelta a casa, tras la guerra de Troya, del héroe griego Ulises

La Divina Comedia
La Ilíada
La Odisea

10 preguntas
120 lectores participarón
Thèmes : Literatura clásicaCrear un test sobre este libro