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ISBN : 1518658865
248 páginas
Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (21/09/2015)

Calificación promedio : 4.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Growing up, Grayson Legend and Kennedy Knowles were inseparable. They turned to each other when their families were nothing more than worthless guardians, and had promised each other to always stay friends.

Then Kennedy did the unthinkable.
She fell in love with her best friend.
And after finally finding the courage to let him know—
Grayson took off.

After walking away from his best friend because he didn’t feel lik... >Voir plus
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 01 February 2020
"ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review"

I was lucky to get an ARC of Just One Regret by Stacey Lynn and I'm really grateful. I loved the book. This book continues the Just One Song series, but it can be read as a standalone.

Just One Regret is very intense, heartbreaking (at some parts) and it shows us how love can survive time and obstacles.

Our main characters, Grayson and Kennedy didn't have a normal childhood, that's why the were best Friends (they undertood each other the best), but this changes when Kennedy confess her feelings for Grayson. He just leaves.

Six years later they see each other again in Las Vegas, and on the very second they look at each other in their eyes, everyhting in their lives will change.

Secrets, love, pasion, regrets... you can't miss it.
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