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ISBN : 0837133378
432 páginas
Editorial: Harper & Bros. (01/01/1943)
In a sensitive and full dimensioned portrayal of American life, Martin Flavin has created a memorable character. By turns admirable, pitiable, tough, noble, weak, futile, and brilliantly effective, a lonely man going nowhere in the dark, Sam Braden mirrors thousands like him who have put their familiar stamp upon the American way of life.

He wanted wealth, and he got it. He wanted to belong to the social world in which the Wyatts moved so easily, and ... >Voir plus
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El verdadero o falso de Harry Potter

Harry Potter nació el 31 de julio de 1980.


14 preguntas
85 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter: La Colección Completa de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro