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Editorial: Dreamspinner Press (24/07/2013)
It’s not easy for a young gay artist like Jordan Carson to grow up in Jefferson, Wisconsin, where all anyone seems to care about in middle school and high school are the sports teams. But Jordan was lucky. He met Owen Nelson in the second grade, and they’ve been BFFs ever since. Owen is a big, beautiful blond and their school’s champion wrestler. No one messes with Owen, or with anyone close to him, and he bucks popular opinion by keeping Jordan as his wingman even ... >Voir plus
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La fantasía de Laura Gallego

¿Cuál es la primera novela de la autora?

Las hijas de Tara
Finis Mundi
Hija de la Noche

10 preguntas
15 lectores participarón
Thème : Laura GallegoCrear un test sobre este libro